
Apps, ‘add On’ Software & Automation Advisory

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Once a business is already successfully using Xero or Quickbooks, the Next Step is to consider how to automate existing manual processes or ‘integrate’ (link) the accountancy software with other software or online platforms already being used by the business

Our consultancy service for apps and other online software, typically involves the following:

Identifying the ‘pain points’ or opportunities for automating or simplifying existing processes.

Planning for, setting up and delivering ‘third party’software to provide an ‘integration’ (or link) between Xero or Quickbooks and an existing software

Planning for, setting up and configuring an app or third party software to replace existing manual processes.

Implementing the app or ‘third party, software, testing the integration, providing training to Users and supporting ‘post implementation’.

Below are examples of the Apps and Software that we have integrated or linked with Xero or Quickbooks for our clients.

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Expensify (expense software automation)


Autotask CRM (sales invoices and customer payments automation)

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Amazon (sales invoice simplification)

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Shopify (sales invoice simplification)

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Square (online + POS sales automation)


PayPal (sales invoice automation)

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Deliveroo(online sales activity automation)

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UberEats (online sales activity automation)

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OneSaas (online sales automation)


GoCardless (online payments)

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Stripe (online payments)


The typical next step is to complete our ‘Initial Fact find process’ involving the completion of our App and Systems Questionnaire form, enabling us to obtain an initial understanding of what the problem is that you’re looking to address.
Any app or automation project will typically involve the following steps:

Stage 1 – Initial fact finding.

Stage 2 – Detailed scoping and/or process mapping.

Stage 3 – App research & evaluation.

Stage 4 – Implementation.

Stage 5 – Post Implementation

This approach means that at the ‘Initial Fact Find’ stage there will be clarity around the ‘pain point’ or the issue currently in the business, what the benefits are of replacing the manual process or simplifying the process, and an indication of the size and complexity of the advisory work involved.

Although the approach may be similar for each project, depending on the nature and complexity of the app or ‘third party’ software, the work involved may be relatively straightforward (1/2 days from start to finish) through to weeks or months for a larger and more complex project.

Book An Initial ‘fact Find’ Meeting

Sakura Business Solutions Ltd. Suite 80, No. 20 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2
Email: Phone: 085 702 0949 - Privacy Notice

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